WriteHexB PROC    (Not covered in the 4th edition)

   Writes an unsigned 8, 16, or 32 bit number to standard output in hexadecimal format.
   EBX must contain the TYPE the number to write (1 for BYTE, 2 for WORD, or 4 for DWORD).
   Leading zeros are inserted if necessary.

Call args:  AL, AX, or EAX = unsigned number to write.
            EBX = 1 to write AL as 2 hex digits,
            EBX = 2 to write AX as 4 hex digits,
            EBX = 4 to write EAX as 8 hex digits.

Return arg: None


      bValue BYTE 'A'

      mov  eax,bValue
      mov  ebx,TYPE bValue
      call WriteHexB

Output:  41
Notes: To write a DWORD, the WriteHex procedure may also be used.
       To write in binary, use the WriteBinB procedure.
       The mShow macro causes a call to this procedure.
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