Used to report mouse input events in a console INPUT_RECORD structure when the console is in mouse mode (ENABLE_MOUSE_INPUT).

    dwMousePosition   COORD <>
    dwButtonState     DWORD ?
    dwControlKeyState DWORD ?
    dwEventFlags      DWORD ?

Member Win Type Description
dwMousePosition COORD  Location of the cursor - screen buffer's character-cell coordinates.
dwButtonState DWORD  Status of the mouse buttons (1 = pressed):
· FROM_LEFT_1ST_BUTTON_PRESSED (0001h) leftmost button.
· RIGHTMOST_BUTTON_PRESSED (0002h) rightmost button.
· FROM_LEFT_2ND_BUTTON_PRESSED (0004h) next-to-leftmost button.
dwControlKeyState DWORD  State of the control keys (a combination of the following values):
· RIGHT_ALT_PRESSED (0001h) right alt key is pressed.
· LEFT_ALT_PRESSED (0002h) left alt key is pressed.
· RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED (0004h) right ctrl key is pressed.
· LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED (0008h) left ctrl key is pressed.
· SHIFT_PRESSED (0010h) shift key is pressed.
· NUMLOCK_ON (0020h) numlock light is on.
· SCROLLLOCK_ON (0040h) scrolllock light is on.
· CAPSLOCK_ON (0080h) capslock light is on.
· ENHANCED_KEY (0100h) key is enhanced.
dwEventFlags DWORD  The type of mouse event:
· Zero - mouse button being pressed or released.
· MOUSE_MOVED (0001h) mouse changed position.
· DOUBLE_CLICK (0002h) second click of double-click (first click is returned as a button press event).
· MOUSE_WHEELED (0004h) mouse wheel rolled.

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