Contains the window class attributes that are registered by the RegisterClass function.
   This structure has been superseded by the WNDCLASSEX structure which supports small icons.

  style         DWORD ?
  lpfnWndProc   SDWORD ?
  cbClsExtra    SDWORD ?
  cbWndExtra    DWORD ?
  hInstance     DWORD ?
  hIcon         DWORD ?
  hCursor       DWORD ?
  hbrBackground DWORD ?
  lpszMenuName  DWORD ?
  lpszClassName DWORD ?

Member Win Type MASM Type Description
style UINT DWORD  Specifies the class style by bit-wise combining:
lpfnWndProc WNDPROC DWORD  Pointer to the window procedure (in our program) that receives and processes event messages triggered by the user.
cbClsExtra int SDWORD  Specifies the number of extra bytes to allocate following the window class structure.
cbWndExtra int SDWORD  Specifies the number of bytes to allocate following the window instance.
hInstance HANDLE DWORD  Handle to the instance of the current program.
hIcon HICON DWORD  Handle to the class icon resource.
hCursor HCURSOR DWORD  Handle to the class cursor resource.
hbrBackground HBRUSH DWORD  Handle to the class background (color) brush.
lpszMenuName LPCTSTR DWORD  Pointer to a string that specifies the resource name of the class menu (in the resource file).
lpszClassName LPCTSTR DWORD  Pointer to a string containing the window's class name, or is an atom.

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