CSUDH Student Research Conference 2024
Soham Patil
CSUDH Student Research Conference 2024
Chris Gonzales
ERN (Emerging Researchers National Conference) 2018, February 21-23, Washington, D.C.
Pedro Ledesma
HENAAC (Hispanic Engineer National Achievement Awards Conference) 2017, Pasadena, CA
Janani Janardhanan
Hogo Flores
Alexander Ing
Carlos Ontiveros
Pedro and Bin
Carlos and Bin
Lei Cao
ERN 2017, February 22-24, Washington, D.C.
Alexander Ing (second from right)
ERN 2016, February 25-27, Washington, D.C.
Carlos Ontiveros
ERN 2015, February 22-24, Washington, D.C.
Shawn Her Many Horses
Setu Taase
CAHSI (Computing Alliance of Hispanic-Serving Institutions) Scholars
CAHSI Scholars
CAHSI Scholars