2016 Summer Schedule:
6/15, Daniel Hernandez, PLAN: A Policy-Aware VM Management Scheme for Cloud Data Centres, [paper], [slides]
7/6, Matt Levan, Omega: flexible, scalable schedulers for large compute clusters, [paper], [slides]
7/20, Matt Levan, Borg, Omega, and Kubernetes: Lessons learned from three container management systems over a decade, [paper].
2016 Spring Schedule:
2/17, Dr. JingTao Yao, Game-theoretic Rough Sets, [bio], [abstract]
3/9, Prof. Howard Rosenthal, Delay and Disruption Tolerant Networks, An Overview, [bio], [slides]
4/13, Dr. Amlan Chatterjee, Graph Compression Using Quadtrees, [abstract and bio], [slides]
5/4, Dr. Liudong Zuo, Efficient Bandwidth Reservation Strategies for Data Transfers in High-Performance Networks, [bio], [slides]
2016 Fall Schedule:
9/28, Dr. Bin Tang, Policy-Preserving Middlebox Placement in SDN-based Data Centers, [slides]
10/12, Mr. Karan Bavandi, founder and CEO of Optimal Access, Semantic Search
10/26, Alex Ing, FLIP the (Flow) Table: Fast LIghtweight Policy-preserving SDN Updates, [paper], [slides]
11/23, Shadi Shiri, Improved Server Consolidation Algorithms In Data Center