Call for Abs
Dear Research Training Scholar:
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the sixth
annual Students Training in Academic Research Symposium (STARS VI) to be held
In preparation for your presentation, each research scholar
is required to submit an abstract that has been approved by your
research mentor on or before
The Symposium is designed to provoke an active interchange of research findings of student participants in the RISE, U*STAR, Bridges and IMSD research training programs. All students will not be asked to make oral presentations; therefore, the selection will be based upon careful consideration of giving the opportunity to “first-time” presenters and a sampling of other students from all of the research training programs. You will be notified of the selected presenters in ample time for you to prepare your 10 minute presentation and to participate in group practice sessions using audiovisuals.
We anticipate that this Symposium will be of value to you on several levels: it provides an opportunity for you to write an abstract, prepare a talk and speak before an audience and at the same time serve as a forum to receive feedback directed towards your personal and professional development.
Again, all abstracts are due on or before
Coordinator of Federal Programs
(310) 243-3418