Marek A. Suchenek, Ph.D.

Marek A. Suchenek, Ph.D. 
Professor Emeritus
Department of Computer Science
California State University Dominguez Hills
Carson, CA 90747
Tel. (310) 243-3398
Suchenek at csudh dot edu


[ Education | Academic Experience | Service | Honors | Major Research ]
[ Dissertations | Publications | Research and Interest | Avocations ]
[ Alma Mater ]

1. Education

Degree Awarded  

Warsaw University of Technology

Ph.D. Study "Data Processing Systems"

Ph.D. in Technological Sciences (1979), with distinction (Doktor Nauk Technicznych, a title conferred at that time in lieu of Ph.D. in Computer Science according to pre-1986 Polish legislation.)

Warsaw University of Technology 

College of Fundamental Problems of Technology

M.Sc. in Mathematical Engineering, specialty: Technical Cybernetics (1973) (The core coursework included: mathematics, electronics, computer engineering, and Computer Science.) 

III Lyceum in Warsaw

Matriculation (1967) 

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2. Academic Experience (1973 - present)

Full Time Position / Courses taught 

2024 - present

California State University Dominguez Hills

Department of Computer Science

Professor Emeritus

1990 - 2024
California State University Dominguez Hills
Department of Computer Science
Professor (tenured in 1994) /
Analysis of Algorithms,
Data Structures,
Discrete Mathematics,
Finite Automata,
File Processing,
Operating Systems,
Programming Languages,
Artificial Intelligence,
Introduction to Computer Science and Programming I & II,
Introduction to Computers and BASIC Programming,
Computers and Society (Computer
Advanced Operating Systems (a graduate course),
Design and Analysis of Algorithms (a graduate course),
Introduction to Computer Education.

2011 (May - June)

Warsaw School of Computer Science

European Union Human Capital Programme Visiting Professor
Programming in Abstract Data Types.

1997 (Winter)

Pepperdine University

Natural Science Division Computer Science

Adjunct Professor
(part time) /
Operating Systems.

1988 - 1990

Wichita State University
Department of Computer Science 

Associate Professor /
Concepts of Computer Science,
Data Base Design,
Data Structures,
Debugging Techniques,
Small Systems Architecture,
directing master theses.

1987 - 1990

Wichita State University
National Institute for Aviation Research

1986 - 1988
Wichita State University
Department of Computer Science

Visiting Assistant Professor /
Data Structures,
Software Testing and Reliability.

1979 - 1988

Warsaw University of Technology
Institute of Computer Science
(on leave 1986 - 1988)

Assistant Professor /
Introduction to Mathematical Theory of Programs,
Introduction to Reliable Programming,
Methods of Program Testing,
Methods of Program Verification,
Software Engineering,
various introductory and advanced programming courses,
laboratory of programming,
directing master theses and term projects.

1973 -1979

Warsaw University of Technology
Institute of Computer Science

Instructor, Senior Instructor

Various introductory and advanced programming courses,
laboratory of programming.

Teaching Assistants

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3. Service 

A. Administrative

Post / Responsibilities


California State University
Dominguez Hills

Department of Computer Science

/ Annual reviews and reports, self-study for Computer Science program evaluation, securing the CSAB/CSAC re-accreditation, cooperation with industry, curriculum revision, departmental budget, faculty recruitment, strategic planning, outcomes assessment, teaching assignments, supervision and periodic evaluations of staff, other administrative duties.
Accomplishments: established Computer Science Advisory Board, obtained funds for and organized the first Computer Science laboratory, negotiated with university administration on a plan for growth of computer science.

1996 - 1997

California State University 
Dominguez Hills 
Department of Computer Science

Co-Chairman / Cooperation with industry, curriculum revision, departmental budget, faculty recruitment, teaching assignments, other administrative duties.
Accomplishments: Negotiated rules for teaching release for faculty unfunded research, secured steady growth of enrollment.

1989 - 1990

Wichita State University
Department of Computer Science

Chairman / Annual reviews and reports, cooperation with industry, curriculum revision, departmental budget, faculty recruitment, strategic planning, teaching assignments, other regular duties including full time teaching and research. 
Accomplishments:  Secured funds for and established the "Distinguished Lecturer Series" for Computer Science.  Negotiated reduction of teaching load on behalf of research faculty.

1980 - 1986 

Warsaw University of Technology 
Institute of Computer Science

Member of Executive Council / Personnel and legislative affairs, advising to the Director of the Institute.

B. Honorary

Function / Accomplishments


1993 - 1998

Committee of Concerned Scholars


Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society

Dominguez Hills Chapter

Founder / Initiated CSUDH faculty grass-root initiative that led to transformation of CSUDH from teaching only institution to teaching and and research institution. As a direct result of that initiative, annual Excellence in Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity Award was established at CSUDH in year 2000.

Chapter President / Obtained funds for and initiated Outstanding Student Research Award and Outstanding Academic Achievement in Science Award programs, initiated and organized the celebrated Annual CSUDH Sigma Xi Inductions and Honors Reception, invigorated and expanded Chapter's activities, secured steady growth of membership.

C. Other Professional


1998 - 2000

Bulletin of Symbolic Logic

1995 - 1996
Journal of the Interest Group in Pure and Applied Logics 
1995 - 1997
Mid-America Consulting Group 
Consultant (computer flight control systems.)
1993 - 1996 
Kennedy-Western University 
Consultant (curricular matters.)
1992 - 1993 
Journal of Logic Programming 
1992 - 1993 
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 
1992 - 1998
International Conference on Computing and Information 
Member of Program Committee
1990 - 1992 
National Science Foundation 
1990 - 1992
Ulam Quarterly 
Member of Editorial Board 
1990 - 1991 
Annual Ulam Mathematics Conference 
Member of Program Committee
1989 - 1991 
Mathematical Reviews 
1989 - 1990 
International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems 
Member of Organizing Committee
1988 - 1988 
Journal of Theoretical Computer Science 
1980 - 1989 
Zentralblatt für Mathematik 

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4. Honors, Scholarships and Awards  

Name or Place 


Listed in "Who's Who in the World," Marquis (eds.), 13-th edition, 1996 
Listed in "Who's Who in Science and Engineering," Marquis (eds.), third edition, 1996-97 
Listed in "Who's Who in Finance and Industry," Marquis (eds.), 29-th edition, 1996-97 
Listed in "Who's Who in America," Marquis (eds.), 49-th edition, 1995 
Listed in "Who's Who in the West," Marquis (eds.), 24-th edition, 1994-95 
Mathematical Institute of Hungarian Academy of Sciences Scholarship 
Minister of Science, Higher Education and Technology's Prize for textbook "FORTRAN for Advanced Programmers" 
Minister of Science, Higher Education and Technology's Prize for doctoral dissertation "Notes on Computational Logic" 
Council of the College of Electronics' Best Doctoral Dissertation Award 
1975 - 1978 
Warsaw University of Technology Institute of Computer Science Doctoral Scholarship
Finalist of Polish XVIII Mathematical Olympiad

Goto TOP

5. Major Research Support  (excluding Summer and intramural grants) 

Title of project / Source /  Position 

1997 - 1997


Expert System Based Pilot Decision Support System /  Mid-America Consulting Group(a subcontractor from a NASA Small Business Technology Transfer project NAS 2-97022 / Project Director

1988 - 1990 


Reconstruction of Runs of Real-Time Programs / Federal Aviation Administration DTFA03-86-C-0004 / Principal Investigator. 

1985 - 1986 

ca. 250,000 zl 

Mathematical model of a telecommunication system / Gov. Project PR-3 / Project Director

1984 - 1985 

ca. 150,000 zl 

Design of Reliable Digital Telecommunication System via Satellite Link Complying to HDLC Protocol / East European Commonwealth Program / Project Director

1973 - 1976

ca. 110,000 zl

Design and Implementation of Multitasking Operating System for Minicomputer UMC-20 (PDP-11 comparable) / Investigator.

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6. Dissertations 

  1. Ph.D. "Notes on Computational Logic" (in Polish, "O Logice Obliczeniowej") Warsaw University of Technology (1979), published by Wydawnictwa Politechniki Warszawskiej (1980), available in the Library of Congress , LC control no. 81208760.
  2. M.Sc. "Design and Implementation of Macroassembler for Minicomputer UMC-20" (PDP-11 comparable), (in Polish) Warsaw University of Technology 1973.

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7. Publications 

A. Books

  1. "FORTRAN for advanced programmers," (textbook in Polish, co-author: Jan Bielecki) Polish Scientific Publishers (Warsaw 1981 [1st edition], 1983 [2nd edition], and 1988 [3rd edition]).
  2. "ANS-FORTRAN," (textbook in Polish, co-author: Jan Bielecki) Publishing House of Warsaw University of Technology (Warsaw 1979).

B. Journal Articles (Peer Refereed)

  1. "Worst-case Analysis of Heapsort, Exactly", The Computer Journal, 67/3 (2024), pp 812--824. Oxford University Press, doi: 10.1093/comjnl/bxad007. Click here for a sample.   Print ISSN: 0169-2968. Electronic ISSN: 1875-868.
    A link to a complete Heapsort program, in Java:
  2. "On the Software Patenting Controversy" (co-author: Neil G. Siegel), Technology and Innovation, Journal of the National Academy of Inventors, 19/4 (2018), pp 787--798.
  3. "Modification of Shapley Value and its Implementation in Decision Making" (co-authors: Leszek Zaremba and Cezary S. Zaremba), Foundations of Management, The Journal of Warsaw University of Technology, 9 (2017), pp 257 -- 272, doi: 10.1515/fman-2017-0020.
  4. "Elementary Yet Precise Worst-Case Analysis of Floyd's Heap-Construction Program," Fundamenta Informaticae 120 (2012), pp 75--92, doi: 10.3233/FI-2012-751.  Print ISSN: 0169-2968. Electronic ISSN: 1875-868. Errata in PDF.
    A link to a complete Heapsort with Floyd's heap-construction program, in Java:
  5. "On Undecidability of Non-monotonic Logic," Studia Informatica 1/2(7) (2006), pp 127--132.
  6. "Evaluation of Queries under the Closed-World Assumption II: The Hierarchical Case," Journal of Automated Reasoning 25 (2000), pp 247--289, doi: 10.1023/A:1006319819647.
  7. "Evaluation of Queries under the Closed-World Assumption I," Journal of Automated Reasoning 18 (1997), pp 357--398, doi: 10.1023/A:1005723423016.
  8. "Preservation Properties in Deductive Data Bases," Methods of Logic in Computer Science: An International Journal 1/3 (1994), pp 315--338. PDF format (corrected) available here: PDF.
  9. "First-order syntactic characterizations of minimal entailment, domain minimal entailment, and Herbrand entailment," Journal of Automated Reasoning 10 (1993), pp 237--263, doi: 10.1007/BF00881837.
  10. "Partial correctness without actual infinity," Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica 27 (1992), pp 159--167.
  11. "On negative information in deductive databases," an invited paper (co-author: Rajshekhar Sunderraman), Journal of Database Administration 1 (1990), pp 28--41, doi: 10.4018/jdm.1990070103. Click here for a sample.
  12. "Applications of Lyndon Homomorphism Theorems to the theory of minimal models," International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 1 (1990), pp 49--59, doi: 10.1142/S0129054190000059.
  13. "Non-invasive testing of real-time avionics microprocessor systems" (co-authors: Xitong Zheng and Golam Sarwar), Microprocessing and Microprogramming, The Euromicro Journal 27 (1989), pp 665--672.
  14. "Two applications of model-theoretic forcing to Lipski's model of data base with incomplete information" Fundamenta Informaticae 12 (1989) pp 269--288.
  15. "Compactness in logic of programs," Colloquia Mathematica Societatis Janos Bolyai 42 (1985), pp 803--810.
  16. "Effective logic of programming language," Computational Linguistics and Computer Languages 15 (1982), pp. 249--264.

C. Other Peer Refereed Publications

  1. "Sound and Complete Propositional Nonnonotonic Logic of Hierarchically-Minimal Models," in Proceedings of the Intelligent Information Systems 2000 Symposium, Bystra, Poland, June 12-16, 2000, Advances in Soft Computing, Physica-Verlag (2000) pp. 193-205. Click here for a sample.
  2. "Mesh Models of Knowledge in Distributed Systems," (co-author: Henrietta Okeke), in Proceedings of the Euromicro Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing, Gran Canaria, January 27 - 29, 1993, IEEE Computer Society Press (1993), pp 113--120.
  3. "Test, measurement, and validation of MIL-STD-1553B bus related software" (co-authors: Xitong Zheng and Golam Sarwar), to appear in FAA Digital Systems Validation Handbook.
  4. "Closed world data bases with views" (co-author: Rajshekhar Sunderraman), in Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, 5, Z. W. Ras, M. Zemankova, Mary L. Emrich (eds.), North-Holland (1990), pp 182--192.
  5. "Incremental models of updating data bases," in Proceedings of Algebraic Logic and Universal Algebra in Computer Science, Conference, Ames IA, June 1-4, 1988, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 425, Springer-Verlag (1990), pp 243--271.
  6. "A syntactic characterization of minimal entailment," in Logic Programming, Proceedings of the North American Conference 1989, Ewing L. Lusk, and Ross A. Overbeek (eds.), The MIT Press (1989), pp 81--91.
  7. "Minimal models for closed world data bases," in Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, 4, Zbigniew W. Ras (ed.), North-Holland (1989), pp 515--522.
  8. "Forcing versus Closed World Assumption," in Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, 2, Z.W. Ras, M. Zemankova (eds.), North-Holland (1987), pp 453--460.
  9. "On first-order logics of programs," Proceedings of 15th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, G. G. L. Meyer, W. J. Rugh (editors), John Hopkins University (Baltimore 1981), pp. 100--103.
  10. "On proving properties of concurrent programs," Mathematical Models in Computer Systems, M. Arato, L. Varga (editors), Publishing House of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Budapest 1981), pp. 97--109.
  11. "Notes on Computational Logic" (Ph.D. dissertation in Polish: "O Logice Obliczeniowej"), Prace naukowe, Politechnika Warszawska, Elektronika; No. 50, pp 1--57, Wydawnictwa Politechniki Warszawskiej (1980), available in the Library of Congress, LC control no. 81208760.
  12. "Implementation of an Operating System with Multi-level Asynchronous Processing of Interrupts" (in Polish, co-authors: Bielecki, J., Iszkowski, W., Maniecki, M., Wigura, A.), in Organizacja Maszyn Cyfrowych i Mikroprogramowanie, Vol 2, Polish Scientific Publishers (Warsaw 1977), pp. 181--195.

D. Presentations (not listed elsewhere)

  1. "Artificial Intelligence: A Helping Hand Or A Threat To Humanity?," presented at The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at California State University, Dominguez Hills, Carson, California, May 22, 2024.
  2. "On a Flaw in the Structure of Worst-case Heaps," presented at Southern California Theory Day, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, November 14, 2015.
  3.  "If Programming Is So Easy Then Why Is It So Difficult?" (in Polish: "Jeśli Programowanie Jest Takie Łatwe, To Dlaczego Jest Ono Takie Trudne?", video, 126K views since November 15, 2014), an open lecture delivered at Warsaw School of Computer Science, Warsaw, Poland, under the auspices of the European Union Human Capital Programme, May 30, 2011.
  4. "On REALLY Big Numbers," presented at Mathematics Colloquium, California State University Dominguez Hills, Carson, California, April 23, 2008.
  5. "Complete Non-monotonic Autoepistemic Logic," presented at Logic in Hungary, Budapest, Hungary, August 5 - 10, 2005.
  6. "On Asymptotic Computability," presented at  Computer Science and Mathematics Seminar, California State University Dominguez Hills, Carson, California, Fall 2004.
  7. "On Asymptotic Decidability of Some Problems Related to Artificial Intelligence," presented at AMS 2003 Spring Western Section Meeting, Special Session on Beyond Classical Boundaries of Computability III, San Francisco, California, May 3-4, 2003.
  8. "Kripke Semantics for Nonmonotonic Modal Logic," presented at Joint Computer Science and Mathematics Seminar, California State University Dominguez Hills, Carson, California, October 14, 2002.
  9. "Nonmonotonic Logic of Public Knowledge in Distributed Systems," presented at the Institute for Computer Science Seminar, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, June 7, 2000.
  10. "Nonmonotonic Logic for Reasoning from Ignorance," presented at the Institute of Foundations of Computer Science Seminar, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, December 9, 1999.
  11. "Graph Semantics vs. Tree Semantics for Common Knowledge in Distributed Systems," presented at the 28th Southeastern Int'l Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing, Boca Raton, Florida, March 3 - 7, 1997
  12. "Indefinite Models and Parallel Positive Resolution for Disjunctive Stratified Logic Programs," presented at the 6thInternational Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Timberline, Oregon, June 9 - 12, 1996, also in the Proceedings of the Workshop, pp 123--131.
  13. "Preservation Properties in Nonmonotonic Logics," presented at UCLA Logic Colloquium, Los Angeles, California, April 22, 1994.
  14. "Alternative Computations of Minimal Consequences in Indefinite Deductive Data Bases," presented at 2nd Workshop on Structural Complexity and Recursion-theoretic Methods in Logic Programming, International Symposium on Logic Programming, Vancouver, British Columbia, October 29, 1993.
  15. "Calculating Kripke models for distributed systems" (co-author: Henrietta Okeke), presented at 3rd Annual Artificial Intelligence Symposium, Long Beach, California, June 18 - 19, 1992, also in Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Artificial Intelligence Symposium, California State University (1992), pp 69--78.
  16. "On Applications of Model-Theoretic Forcing to the Theory of Minimal Models," presented at UCLA Logic Colloquium, Los Angeles, California, May 22, 1992.
  17. "Sieves of Eratosthenes, Kripke Models, and Distributed Knowledge Bases," an invited address, presented at 3rd Annual Ulam Mathematics Conference, West Palm Beach, Florida, March 19 - 20, 1992.
  18. "On reasoning from closed world data bases with disjunctive views" (co-author: Rajshekhar Sunderraman), presented at Workshop on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Logic, Austin, Texas, November 1 - 2, 1990, also in Proceedings of the Workshop on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Logic, North American Conference on Logic Programming (1990), pp 132--149.
  19. "Homomorphisms in Semantics of Deductive Data Bases," presented at Conference on Algebraic Logic in Honor of Don Monk, Boulder, Colorado, May 28 - June 1, 1990.
  20. "A Syntactic Characterization of Transitive Closures," presented at The Inaugural Conference of the Ulam Quarterly, West Palm Beach, Florida, February 17 - 19, 1990.
  21. "Software diagnosing in circumstances of incomplete information," presented at XV AIAA Technologyfest, Wichita, Kansas, November 10 - 12, 1988.
  22. "Negation as sure failure," presented at Workshop on Categorical Aspects of Data Flow Analysis, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, May 23 - 26, 1988.
  23. "On generalizations of the closed world assumption in deductive data bases," presented at Fourth Southeastern Logic Symposium, Columbia, South Carolina, March 24 - 25, 1988.
  24. "Forcing in Artificial Intelligence," presented at the Third Southeastern Logic Symposium, Charleston, South Carolina, March 7, 1987.
  25. "Non-monotonic derivations which preserve pragmatic truth," presented at International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, Knoxville, Tennessee, October 1986, also in Proceedings of the ACM SIGART International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, Colloquia Program, Zemankova M., Emrich M. L. (editors), ORNL-6362 (Oak Ridge National Laboratory 1987), pp 69--74.
  26. "On asymptotic decidability of model-theoretic forcing," presented at Fourth Hungarian Computer Science Conference, Györ, Hungary, July 8 - 10, 1985, published in Research Reports 63/85, Institute of Computer Science, Warsaw University of Technology (Warsaw 1985).
  27. "Gamma-meaningful theories vs. partial correctness of programs," presented at Colloquium on Computation Theory, Poznań, Poland, June 25 - 29, 1984.
  28. "Forcing treatment of incomplete information in databases," presented at International Symposium on Model Theory in Foundations of Computer Science, Budapest, Hungary, September 10 - 14, 1984.
  29. "Compactness problems in defining semantics," short communication at International Congress of Mathematicians, Short Communications, Section I: Mathematical Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, Warsaw, Poland, August 16 - 24, 1983, p. 23.

E. Non-refereed Publications

  1. "Brief of Amicus Curiae Marek A. Suchenek, Ph.D." for Case No. 19-55376 argued at United States Court of Appeals for The Ninth Circuit, March 31, 2021.
  2. "Elementary Yet Precise Worst-case Analysis of MergeSort, A manuscript (MS)", January 19, 2017. (A slightly shorter version SV of this article with Appendix C. Notes from my Analysis of Algorithms lecture added has been posted here:
  3. "Best-case Analysis of MergeSort with an Application to the Sum of Digits Problem, A manuscript (MS)", July 15, 2016.
  4. "A Complete Worst-Case Analysis of Heapsort with Experimental Verification of Its Results, A manuscript (MS)", April 7, 2015.
  5. "Technical Notes on Complexity of the Satisfiability Problem", April 5, 2015 (this report was written in 1988).
  6. "Hereditary Worst-Case Heaps", August 10, 2014.
  7. "A brute-force proof of the well-ordering theorem," Wikipedia, Talk: Well-ordering theorem, July 2, 2013.
  8. "Notes on Nonmonotonic Autoepistemic Propositional Logic," (click here for a version with typos fixed) Zeszyty Naukowe Wydanie Specjalne 6 (2011), pp 74 - 93, ISSN 1896-396X, Warsaw School of Computer Science.
  9. "Computers and Society," January 26, 2009.
  10. "Cantor’s proof , barber’s “paradox”, and Russell’s contradiction", December 3, 2007
  11. "Minimal Perimeters of Tiled Areas", January 31, 2007.
  12. "Sequence Semantics for Doxastic Logic," (with Victor W. Marek), March 7, 2006.
  13. "Letter to the Bookshelf: Abel's Proof", American Scientist Online, The Magazine of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society (2003).
  14. "Election 2000: A Probability Theory Argument That Settles the Presidential Contest," Keep and Bear Arms (2000).
  15. "Technical Correspondence: A Brilliant Example" , Communications of the A.C.M. 32/9 (1989), pp 1132--1133.
  16. "Floyd-Hoare implication is not uniformly axiomatizable within non-standard dynamic logic," Research Reports 59/83, Institute of Computer Science, Warsaw University of Technology (Warsaw 1983).
  17. "On pragmatic semantics of programming languages," Research Reports 57/83, Institute of Computer Science, Warsaw University of Technology (Warsaw 1983).
  18. "On axiomatizations of semantics of programming languages," Research Reports 32/81, Institute of Computer Science, Warsaw University of Technology (Warsaw 1981).
  19. "A critique of Polish Standard of programming language FORTRAN" (in Polish, co-author: Bielecki, J.), Research Reports 22/81, Institute of Computer Science, Warsaw University of Technology (Warsaw 1981).

F. Reviews

  1. Review of the book: G. Antoniou, "Nonmonotomic Reasoning", Artificial Intelligence Series, The MIT Press (1997), in Bulletin of Symbolic Logic (2000), pp. 484--490.
  2. Review of the book: M. R. Genesereth, N. J. Nilson, "Logical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence" (co-author: James H. Thomas), Morgan Kaufmann Publ. (Los Altos CA, 1987), in Mathematical Reviews (1990 e), rev. no. 90e:68001, pp 2920--2921.
  3. Review of the paper: M. L. Ginsberg, "Counterfactuals," Artificial Intelligence 30 (1986), pp. 35--79, in Zentralblatt für Mathematik 655 (1989), rev. no. 03011, pp 13--14.
  4. Review of the paper: S. Hank, D. McDermott, "Nonmonotonic logic and temporal projection," Artificial Intelligence 33 (1987), pp. 379--412, in Zentralblatt für Mathematik 654 (1989), rev. no. 68107, pp 374--375.
  5. Review of the paper: D.W. Etherington, "Formalizing non-monotonic reasoning systems," Artificial Intelligence 31 (1987), pp. 41--85, in Zentralblatt für Mathematik 638(1988), rev. no. 68100, p. 376.
  6. Review of the paper: Rus, Teodor, "Parsing languages by pattern matching," IEEE Trans. Softw. Eng. 14, No.4, 498-511 (1988), in Zentralblatt für Mathematik (1988), rev. no. 0654.68098.
  7. Review of the book: R. Murawski, "Philosophy of Mathematics - An Anthology of Classic Texts," Polish Scientific Publishers (Warsaw 1986), in Zentralblatt für Mathematik 616(1987), rev. no. 00021, p. 4.
  8. Review of the paper: R.C. Moore, "Semantical considerations on nonmonotonic logic," Artificial Intelligence 25 (1985), pp. 75--94, in Zentralblatt für Mathematik 569 (1986), rev. no. 68079, pp. 333--334.
  9. Review of the paper: G. Bossu, P. Siegel, "Saturation, nonmonotonic reasoning and the closed-world assumption," Artificial Intelligence 25 (1985), pp. 13--63, in Zentralblatt für Mathematik 569 (1986), rev. no. 68078, pp. 332--333.
  10. Review of the book: J.P. Roth, "Computer logic, testing and verification," in Zentralblatt für Mathematik 429 (1980), rev. no. 94028, pp. 570--573.
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8. Research and Interest

    Logical foundations of Artificial Intelligence
    nonmonotonic logics and their model theories
        reasoning about distributed knowledge
        deductive databases, closed-world assumption and logic programming
        knowledge representation & processing

    Theoretical Computer Science
    analysis of algorithms
        computability & undecidability theory

    Applied Computer Science
    programming in the small
        software engineering
            software correctness, testing & verification
        real-time operating systems

    Applied mathematics
    discrete mathematics
        mathematics software


    Mathematical logic
    modal logics
            deontic logic
            dynamic logic
            multimodal logic

    and beyond...

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9. Avocations 

Travel, modern music, belles-lettres, collectibles, outdoor sports (swimming, bike riding, target shooting).

 Here is an embedded video (posted on YouTube at with a 6 min. 11 sec. first episode "Austria 2011" of the movie my wife and I shot in Europe in the Summer of 2011. Disclaimer: Various advertisements, images, and links before and after the said episode have at times been attached to it by without my knowledge and consent and I neither endorse nor am I responsible for these advertisements, images and the contents of these links. Anybody who activates and plays the video below willfully assumes sole risk of viewing these advertisements and images, and being exposed on the contents of these links.

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10. Alma Mater 

The university I got all my post-secondary education from and was on faculty of for 15 years after my graduation, the Warsaw University of Technology, or - in Polish - Politechnika Warszawska, has been Poland's oldest, highly selective (with my college, Międzywydziałowe Studium Podstawowych Problemów Techniki, being the highest-selective academic unit at the time I was admitted there in 1967), and - indisputably - most prestigious institute of technology.

Here is a link to its history, a link to a video with beautiful music by its Academic Choir,  and a photo of typical inauguration of the Academic Year:

And here is a link to a recent video (live performance in Gdańsk, Poland, by Academia Concerto chamber choir from Brasil) with Polish ancient ( -years old, to be exact) national anthem "Gaude Mater Polonia" that is nowadays sung at the opening of the AY ceremonies at Polish universities.

I hope you enjoy listening to it - a pair of good headphones would certainly help you catch the mood of the moment.

Goto TOP

This website has been up in its present form since year 2000. All rights reserved.
